Drawing from Drew


There isn't a whole lot to report on Drew this week, he continues to improve from the first treatment of chemo/antibodies. Which is a wonderful thing to report! Last week I was reminded what one week post-chemo looks like, but especially over the weekend, I'd say he's back to pretty much his normal self, except for some lingering digestive issues. We had lab work and a check up Monday in Rochester, and all looked great. Counts are high, he looks good, we are ready to enjoy the holiday week before checking in next Monday for round 2!

Someone asked me this week how I was doing, if it was hard to be thankful this Thanksgiving, or easy. Its a valid question, and I can understand why people might think we don't have a lot for which to be thankful. But the answer is, it is very easy to be thankful. And that really, I feel like I've been in a constant state of Thanksgiving all year. When you realize you aren't guaranteed tomorrow, you become very thankful for today, and everything in it. I've come to the understanding that being thankful not only brings me joy, but is also the real key in walking with God. The Bible tells us over and over to be thankful. Here are a few of the ones that I repeat to myself often:

-1 Thessalonians 5:18 Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you

-Colossians 3:15-17 And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

-Philippians 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

This last verse spoke to me early on, as I certainly was making my requests known to God, but how does He say to ask? With thanksgiving. If I want Him to do what I ask, I must follow the instructions and be thankful. And really, that was just the starting point. Once I committed to being thankful, it has so totally shaped this whole year for me. There is SO much to be thankful for if we chose to look for it. It certainly is a choice, to choose to appreciate what we have instead of look around at what we feel we ought to have. And when I have chosen gratitude, it's filled me with a peace and joy that does surpass all comprehension.

I have a personal journal that I've been keeping since January, and in it I end most entries with a list of things I am thankful for in that day. In the beginning it was things like "Drew's smile", "being able to work out", "showering and drying my hair today"; which really say a lot about where we've been. But each day that I looked for things to be thankful for, it got easier. Easier to see the silver lining, the hand of God in my day to day life. And some weeks, when the world seemed so dark, it was this practice that kept me from going off the deep end. Being grateful has saved me this year. It has shown me so much beauty in such an ugly world. Each obstacle that has come up, each set back, each bad day, has been where my discipline of being thankful has kept me in His perfect peace, and experiencing His joy. So as we go into Thanksgiving this year, with the reality that we may not have our Drew physically with us next year, we continue to be so so grateful for the time we have. To savor each moment like it may be our last. And give thanks for all God has given to us this year.

I also wanted to express again how very thankful we are to everyone who have giving us support, love, help, encouragement, time and money this year! You truly have been God's love in our lives, and have made this year so much easier. I have been humbled so many times this year with how generous, kind, and willing people have been to help us. Our most sincerest thank you!

I encourage you all to say "thank you" to God for each day. For the time you have with family. For every giggle from your child, and smile on their face. For every "I love you" you hear, and every snuggle you get. Some live without those blessings each day, enjoy each moment! I know I do now more than ever!!


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