Drawing from Drew

9-9-16 *

We made it HOME on Wednesday! After a quick platelet transfusion, and a bedside removal of his PICC line, we walked out about 11, beating my old personal best of noon! He's remained fairly strong at home. Only getting sick once, sleeping well, healing up. He'll still randomly complain about pain, but Tylenol seems to be enough to take care of it. What a long ways we have come in 10 days...Glory be to God!

On Wednesday, we made it back to town in time to pickup Molly from lunch at daycare, and we've had a ball since. Drew has pretty much been smiling constantly. Giggling, teasing, copying Molly's knock-knock jokes, he is just bursting with joy. It's borderline obnoxious, and we love it!! This is the awesome feeling of a warm spring day after a long, hard winter I talked about before. Kind of like how amazing it feels to just feel normal after a bad cold. Would we have found so much happiness in the ordinary without all this happening to us? I'm not so sure. So if we must go through all this, I'm so thankful it's given us an appreciation of life that we didn't have before cancer. I never knew how wonderful looking in my re-view mirror at my two kids smiling faces, or having our whole family around the dinner table, or the peace of everyone asleep in their own beds, could be. But now, those are the best feelings in the world. The warm spring days that feel so great because of the long, cold winters.


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