Drawing from Drew


Well I hope by now you have all realized that no news is good news from us! We've had a great end to the week, and weekend at home. Josh posted the link to the news story we were apart of on Thursday as we went to St Mary's for a shot and some fluids. That was fun for both kids! Drew got over the hump by Friday of the getting sick from this last round of chemo. Now it's "only" about once or twice a day. We've started to figure out that he stays with a weak stomach for the week following chemo, but the bulk of the sick is the first 2-3 days after. So now we wait as his body bottoms out, and his counts fall. As in the past, if he runs a fever during this time, it's back to the hospital we go. So we are trying to enjoy being home and simultaneously get as much done as we can! Josh's parents came for a visit this weekend, which was great. We got some more information about our next step in treatment too. May 10th Drew will have a CT scan in the morning and we'll meet with the Oncologist and Surgeon later that day, with surgery scheduled the next day, May 11th pending the CT showing the tumor being operable. Like I said before, we still have a long road ahead of us, his treatment will take another whole year and include a bone marrow transplant, radiation, and immunotherapy. But being so close to having chemo cycles behind us is very encouraging!

I have really tried to prepare for being gone this coming week, mentally and around the house as well. I have decided if I assume he'll run a fever, like he has in the past, and pack my bag, set aside food to take, and talk with Molly as if I may be gone, it'll help us both to not be so disappointed when the thermometer tells us it's time to go. Then each day extra we are home this week will be a bonus! Not sure what we'd do this week, our calendar is pretty clear right now, Something else I've been thinking about lately. How is it I can just pick up and be gone for days, even weeks and not be missing anything? What would I have been doing so far in 2016 if we weren't helping Drew fight cancer?! I guess the answer is clear, I wasn't suppose to be doing anything else. This was what was suppose to happen this year, not what went wrong this year. With His hand and all your prayers, we are going to make it through!

Here's us reading books before bed tonight!


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