Drawing from Drew


We've had a pretty busy last week! First of all, Drew has fully recovered from transplant. All of his counts are up and not being checked anymore. His stomach is strong enough to handle faster rates of feedings, so we can basically have the pump going only while he sleeps. He is off all anti-nausea and pain medications. All of his fingernails have fallen off, but his big toes still have the old nail on them. Thursday he had his central line put back in, and also a head MRI, both of which went well. Today we went in for the simulation/mapping day for radiation. Another MRI, and a CT scan were done, as well as molds and even about 6 freckle-sized tattoos to guide the treatments. It was nice to get more information from a consultation with the radiologist/oncologist and get our questions answered. They need a full two weeks to get ready for our first treatment, so our new start date is Monday, October 3rd. They are still thinking 13 treatments, but that will be finalized once the plan is put together as well. Everyone was excited to meet Drew, and he didn't disappoint. With his smile, charm, energy, and size, he seemed to have this whole team of doctors and nurses impressed already! We are excited to get this next phase of treatment started, but will really enjoy these next two weeks off.

After our long day on Thursday, we waited to see how Drew was doing. He was his usual self, so we decided to visit Josh's parents in his hometown--we hadn't been back to Emmetsburg since December of last year! It was great to all be back there again together. We got to meet a few of the people in the town who've been supporting and praying for us, which was so special. Molly's been doing great in preschool, showing us her papers and sharing stories from the day. I'm really trying to enjoy this new stage with her. How long I thought I couldn't wait to see her in school, and here she is! It's just as fun as I imagined. See, here we are, living our life, while we fight cancer :)

I may not have too much to update on in the next couple weeks, which will be a great thing. I'm sure I'll find something to share though! Here's a picture of one of his tattoos, and Drew just hanging out before radiation simulation today. Also a couple from this weekend in Emmetsburg. Thank you for all your prayers and support once again!


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