Drawing from Drew


Well Wednesday went great, he was strong enough on all fronts to start chemo that afternoon! We got settled in and they got the chemo started about 5PM, so that'll be when it's done on Saturday. At which time, if all keeps going well, we could be on our way home! We pray that nothing does come up, and we can get back home to enjoy the long weekend together. Drew's been full of energy! With a longer period then usual between chemo, we can really see how busy he would be if he wasn't dealing with so much--which says a lot because he never is too low-energy. I'm out of practice chasing him around with his IV pole! Everyone's commenting on how much bigger he seems since the last time they all have seen him here, and the numbers support that--apparently he grew a whole inch since the end of last month--crazy! He has enjoyed seeing all his favorite nurses, aids, and even cleaning lady on the floor again! Its so wonderful that he seems only excited to be back here, happy to see everyone, play with his favorite toys in the play room, and be a part of Music Time again. Mama had a little tougher time coming back here after so much family time at home, but he makes it easier with his smile and energy! He's only been sick a few times so far, not being slowed down too much by the chemo yet!

Being here reminds me how much we have to be grateful for, if I had forgotten. It's kind of a sad place, really. The stories you hear, the pain you see on kid's faces, it makes me so appreciate how happy and full of life Drew is most of the time. Here we are just one story among so many that are heartbreaking, as opposed to when we are at home and the one sad story among everyone else. Talking with other families again that are going down their own hard road reminds me to not be so self focused. There are so many others who I can pray for, encourage, and hope the best for. In a way it's a nice break from our emotional situation, but it also makes you feel so helpless. This world can seem so unfair on a pediatric floor, and being home for so long enjoying life, I so easily forgot. But we have to just keep believing that God has a plan for each one of us, and will get us through by His strength. We just have to look for things to be thankful for, and "enjoy" the ride...

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