Sorry for the delay in updates! We had a couple of tests done yesterday, and I've been hoping to have the results to share! We had the bone marrow biopsy done, and a CT scan of the blood clot in his head. The scan showed the clot has almost completely resolved! Wonderful news! The bone marrow biopsy we are still waiting to hear back about. We started with 30% of the marrow infected with cancer, we pray that number has decreased, and ask you to as well. The bowel obstruction that keeps us here will be checked out on Monday with an ultrasound. Drew is finally showing signs of improvement--not as tender on that side of his tummy, having more frequent bowl movements, and not as much is being suctioned out of his stomach. We have been given the go ahead to take him off the suction tube for the day today and see how he does. If it goes well he could be off that (hallelujah!) and possibly start the feeding tube over the weekend. The ultrasound on Monday will help the team decide if they will delay the start of Cycle 3 of Chemo (slated for Tuesday) to let the blockage continue to heal more, or move forward. We hope and ask you to pray that we can keep moving forward! His fever broke early this week as well, and the cultures never did grow any bacteria. So no infection this round! You can really tell Drew feels better. From the minute he wakes up practically, to when he falls asleep, his smile fills his face. He is talking so much these days, and picks up new phrases/words each day. A little girl in the play room today was "teaching" him new words, and loved to hear him try to repeat whatever she instructed him to say. Drew of course loved the attention!
Molly and Josh are continuing to find their routine at home as well. It's the second week now that I've been with Drew at the hospital, and Josh has been manning the home front--dropping Molly off at Daycare/Preschool while he's at work. He's really doing a great job being Super Dad--helping Molly pick out her clothes for the next day, packing her lunch, making dinner, and everything else! We each say we aren't sure which one of us has the harder time, it goes back and forth each day!
I continue to be SO blown away by the kindness of others shown to us. The more I talk with other families on the floor, I can see how very fortunate we are. Friends delivering Shamrock Shakes, taking me out to coffee or dinner, and even dropping their lives to come and help out! This coming week a fellow Mom of mine who was formerly in Austin, now in New Orleans, is graciously leaving her two kids and husband for the week to come and help out at my home. I am very grateful and humbled to have friends that are willing to do such a thing for me. God is truly showing me His love through the care and kindness of others. I am even more inspired to pass this wonderful gift of His love on to others as much as I can, whenever I can.
I'll let everyone know the results of the bone marrow biopsy as soon as I get it! Here's Molly showing Drew how to work the kid's computer in the playroom today!
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