Drawing from Drew


Drew is off of his pain meds. His TPN is down and he's up to full feeds! He's still getting sick about twice a day, but they are confident enough to switch to oral antibitics. The only piece left is his platelet count, all the other counts are looking great. But since they want us to leave without the PICC line, we are waiting until tomorrow to see if he will need one more platelet transfusion. If he does, they'll give it to us and then pull the line and we'll be released; or if he doesn't, they'll just pull the line and we'll be on our way! Either way, after 25 days, our second longest stay yet, our whole family will be under one roof again! I can't wait. But in the mean time we are "enjoying" our last day of being in the hospital. Bring on the warm blankets, the nurses to do all his meds and feeding bags for me, and even help out with diaper changes! It's nice he can leave the unity. The time goes so much faster when we can go for walks outside!

Molly's first day of PreK was today. Maybe I'm tired, or maybe I have a lot going on (maybe?) but I just made it to the van before the tears came. I just started thinking how much of a bigger deal this day would have been without cancer striking our family. I remembered how last year, when we chose not to send her to 3 year old preschool, I thought to myself, "I can do one more year. Only one more year of two little kids at home with me all day...", and look what that "one more year" turned out to be. Molly in so many ways has helped me through these last 7 months. Just by forcing me to get out of bed and go through the day, to even encouraging me when she can see I'm upset. She's always been such an independent, take-charge girl, I know she'll do great in school. A part of me just wishes I could have enjoyed her last year home with me all day like I had planned.

Next post should be from HOME later this week! Pictures of our last hot blanket after bath, Drew coloring, Molly's first day, and SERIOUSLY how I found Drew and Josh this morning when I came in to take over. Really? These two sit and read the paper together in the mornings?


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