Drawing from Drew


Since Monday not a whole lot has changed, which is good and bad. Good that nothing has grown on the cultures, and actually he hasn't spiked a fever since we were admitted. The mucus swab came back negative as well, which is good! But bad because he still has been not himself. You can tell he's in pain and doesn't feel good. Apparently the shots to stimulate his bone marrow to rebound from the last chemo treatment, and bring his counts up, can cause bone pain. Others who have gone through this that are older have said it makes them ache all over. So we've stepped up his pain meds and are back on oxycodone and tylenol. I think it's helping, but we are still waiting around for his numbers to come up, and therefore have to keep giving him the shots! He's still been getting sick a couple times a day too--they think lingering from the chemo, but also from the pain meds. It's been several long nights for both of us here. Yesterday they got the catheter placed for the collection. Great that we are ready to go, but another source of discomfort. The catheter is pretty stiff in his neck and he can't really bend his neck on that side. Apparently we'd be giving him the pain meds for this if we wasn't already on them for the bone pain. He got a blood transfusion today and also platelets. Both those levels were low, so they want to give them a boost for the collection. So now we keep waiting. For the all important CD34 count to be 10 or above. The doctors are saying it could be tomorrow still, or Friday. But aren't concerned that its taking a bit longer. Every kid is different and the deeper into chemo cycles you go, it takes the body longer to recover. So pray that we can get this done already! That Drew can be as comfortable as he can be,and that I can rely on Him for strength to be patient and loving with little sleep and a whiny (justifiably!) Drew. Molly had a hard time leaving yesterday from Josh and her's visit. I don't know if it was just too short of a visit, as we squeeze it in after work and before bedtime, or if it all is just hitting her, but Josh had carry her out of here crying and screaming for one more hug from me. So we all could use some prayers!

I guess this turned into a pretty down update. But the reality is, this is heavy stuff. And it isn't going to lighten up until its over, really. So we rely on the only One who can provide comfort and peace, as well as strength and wisdom to get through this trial. Through your prayers this is easier, thank you for continuing to lift us up. In the mean time God gives us little reminders of His love through others. I chatted with a family in the family room this morning, and as I came back around with Drew they got a kick out of him taking off on me as I chase him with his pole. They asked how old he was, "I'm two!" he answered! I told them he just turned two last week. Then after I got back from lunch, they come to our room with a little stuffed frog for Drew to wish him a happy birthday. Their son is having brain surgery today for seizure issues, but they were thoughtful enough to bring him a gift. The comradory around here is amazing. We all can relate to how tough it is to feel helpless while you child is quite literally fighting for their life in some cases. It was a nice exchange to get Drew and I over the hump of a pretty tough week...


PS Another blessing, friends in Austin are putting together a benefit for us in May! There will be a website up and running soon, here's the initial flyer of information if you are interested!

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