Drawing from Drew


What a week! First things first. Drew's eye infection is improving. By yesterday afternoon he could finally open it a little, and today even more. With his antibiotics (a total of 50ml a day!!), along with ibuprofen and tylenol, he's back to being pretty much his usual self. We are SO grateful. Thank you for all of your prayers this week.

With Drew on the mend, our Make-a-Wish reveal party stayed on schedule. And what a party it was. The kids thought we were just going somewhere fun together as a family, and were totally suprised first by the John Deere dealer. The big combine and tractor reved up and going to take them on rides got the reaction we were hoping for. Pure joy and excitement. When they finally looked around and realized all of our friends and family were there too (save a few that couldn't make it), they were even more excited. Then a firetruck came and gave us a ride, complete with sirens and lights to Pizza Ranch. It was there that the Make-a-Wish team revealed we are going to Disney World in Orlando, leaving Tuesday night for Minneapolis (flight leaves early Weds, the 4th) and coming back the next Tuesday the 10th. If Drew wasn't sure what that meant, he sure didn't show it. His reaction of suprise and excitement was worth all the fanfare. That's our Drew!

Here's a link to the news story on the day!


We are all so excited and looking forward to this trip. We are so grateful for the opportunity Make-a-Wish is giving us, and the opportunity God is giving us to enjoy it with an energetic and happy Drew. When we chose to not seek risky treatment elsewhere, this is what we hoped for. Being able to let Drew be a kid again, experience the joys of life, instead of the worst of life he's unfortunately already known at such a young age.

Wednesday gave us quite a scare. The first doctor who saw him in Oncology said she's seen swollen/bulging eyes like that before in the late stages of Nueroblastoma, as the cancer spreads into the bones around the eyes, sometimes in the final week. Then in the ER as a blood clot was discussed as a possible cause, they asked us if we had a Do Not Resuscitate plan. We were scared. It seemed like a moment of truth. Do I really believe all I say I do? Can I really be "okay" with this? I think what I decided is what my head knows and believes, may take a while to travel to my heart. I kept thinking, "I'm not ready God. I need more time!". Will I ever be ready? Is it ever possible for your heart to be ready to let go, to say goodbye to your baby? I'm not so sure. But I know I won't be alone. The God who has comforted and strengthened me this whole year will be with me again. Josh and Molly and I will need each other, but I know we'll be okay. I have to believe that or how could I go on?

Praise God Wednesday or this week wasn't Drew's time. I can only hope this is the start of many miracles to come. The new year will begin for us in the happiest place on earth, with all four of the Beckers together. What more could I want? I need to keep trying to live in the present, in TODAY, not tomorrow, or this spring. Please keep praying I can do that. That we all stay healthy on our trip, and we can make wonderful memories that will make us smile for years to come!

Happy New Year!


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